“Wolves and women are relational by nature, inquiring, possessed of great endurance and strength. They are deeply intuitive, intensely concerned with their young, their mate, and their pack.” ~Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés
As we celebrate women in all their might and glory on international women’s day on 8th March, let’s appreciate all strong, empathetic, kind, understanding, determined, powerful, beautiful women who have made a difference in our lives.
Mothers who gave us selflessly raised us to be good people and love unconditionally, while protecting us from harm. Grandmothers who serve as a loving advocate and like to spoil us from time to time, guiding us along the path of life. Stepmoms and mothers-in-law took us under their wings. Sisters with whom we may disagree mostly, but who always give us a hug in the end. Aunts who so willingly act as a mother figure. Cousins – our partners in diablerie. Nannies who nurtured and took care of us when our mothers were away to provide for us. Dear ladies, you are magnificent human beings. We value you; we love you, and we thank you!
Wives and partners who love and support through the good times and the bad and give strength to succeed. Daughters who add much-needed love & joy and provide emotional support. Granddaughters who always remember to call visit more and fill the life with childish enthusiasm. We owe you; we could not achieve half of what we have so far without you, and we are grateful for you forever!
Teachers who constructed meaningful education and taught us lifelong lessons that will most certainly make us better people. Mentors who provided guidance, motivation and, pointing us in the right direction. Female colleagues who share creative solutions and celebrate our professional successes with us. Female friends who share sorrow & success together make & break the social life and provide much-needed reality-checks. Thanks to you we have had the direction to reveal our best versions.
Women in the Forces, Police, and firefighting who risk their lives for our safety. Doctors, nurses, and healthcare workers who work long hours and give up their own health and wellbeing, Women in art, entertainment, and fashion who inspire us give us joy and interaction. Sportswomen, women in business and politics who keep reminding us to never give up and reach for the stars. Thanks to your work, we remain hopeful for a better future.
On this international women’s day, we also take a moment to remember suffragettes and all our female ancestors who fought for women’s rights and freedom. Humanists who bravely face challenges and criticism daily to pave the way for change. We owe these courageous, bold, and unapologetic women a great debt of gratitude for fighting for a better life for generations of women to come.